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Why Is My Car Pulling When I Brake?

December 16, 2020 7:50 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Brake problems aren’t uncommon with vehicles, which is troubling because the brake system is one of the most critical components of a car. One of the typical brake issues we deal with is drivers coming in saying they have problems with the car pulling to one side when they brake in New Palestine, IN. There are several possible causes behind a car pulling to one side of the road while slowing down. For that reason, this issue needs to be diagnosed and resolved by a professional. This post will cover a few of the top reasons cars pull while braking: Worn brake pads: You may already know that brake pads aren’t designed to last forever, only about 40,000 miles. Old... View Article

Can Brakes Ever Lose Their Friction?

December 2, 2020 5:39 am | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Can brakes lose their grip? In a word: yes. While many of your car maintenance tasks in New Palestine, IN aim to reduce friction, your brakes are the one place you really need it. Brakes rely on friction to slow your car down and bring it to a stop—but if your brake pads are worn out, they won’t be able to produce the desired effect. This is called “brake fade,” and it’s a dangerous phenomenon. You need to be able to stop in a reasonable amount of time, or risk the safety of everyone on the road with you. Here’s why and how to deal with brakes losing their grip in New Palestine, IN. How brakes get their power Brakes... View Article

Simple Ways to Keep Your Tire Full When You Run Over a Nail

November 18, 2020 5:39 am | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Can you still drive on a tire with a nail in it? It’s happened to all of us in New Palestine, IN, and always at the least convenient time possible. If you can’t get to a repair shop right away, you might be tempted to drive your car with the nail still in the tire. This is a bad idea, even if the tire doesn’t seem to be flat or even leaking air—a small puncture now can lead to major damage if not cared for properly. Can you drive with a nail in your tire? Depending on how deeply the tire has been punctured, the nail might prevent any air from leaking. If you must drive, make sure it’s only... View Article

Warning Signs That Your Brakes Are Overheating

October 28, 2020 9:45 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Car owners in New Palestine, IN should never underestimate the importance of checking their brakes on a regular basis. Smoke, screeching and fading are all symptoms of brakes that are overheating. However, there are simple ways to protect both your car and your wallet. Keep reading to learn what causes brakes to overheat and puts passengers at risk. Fading brake pads Fading is one of the most common symptoms of brakes that are overheating. This occurs when brake pads fail to provide enough friction on the rotors. Pads that are worn down and incapable of functioning properly are what causes brakes to overheat. Drivers will know this is happening if they have to slam the brake pedal in order to... View Article

What Can Cause Bad Alignments?

October 14, 2020 9:45 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Drivers in New Palestine, IN would all agree the roads can get a bit rough. This often leads to drifting tires, which is no small issue. That’s why checking alignments and suspension systems should be part of every car owner’s maintenance routine. Find out below what could cause bad alignments and when it’s time to do something about it. Bumps in the road At some point, every driver will come across roadway hazards. Perhaps there’s an unavoidable pothole along your morning commute. Your go-to fast food joint might have a narrow drive-thru that makes you clip the curb every single time. Whatever it may be, little bumps in the road will slowly misalign your car’s tires. It’s impossible to avoid... View Article