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Why Is My Car Not Starting?

January 31, 2022 6:47 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Nothing’s worse than going out to your car and finding that it won’t start. Of course, this never happens when you have plenty of time. Instead, it always happens when you’re in a time crunch. You’re late for work or you need to drop the kids off at school or you have to be at a doctor’s appointment—that’s when your car not starting is a problem. Then you begin thinking about how much it’s going to cost to fix it—but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If you’re wondering why your car is not starting, there are several potential reasons. Read on to find out the most common ones. Battery problems A dead or dysfunctional battery is the leading reason... View Article

What to Do to Get Your Car Winter-Ready

January 17, 2022 6:47 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Winter driving conditions are frequently hazardous, with ice and snow making driving difficult. Ensuring your car is up to the challenge is an important step. Let’s look at how winterizing your car can make a difference. Use winter tires Your car likely has all-season tires which, as the name would imply, also work during winter. That said, these tires won’t provide maximum performance. If you’re dealing with snow and ice regularly, consider switching to winter tires. These tires are specially engineered so that their rubber compounds don’t harden when the temperatures dip below freezing. This means your car will have better traction on ice, snow and slush. Get your car serviced Bringing your car into a trusted mechanic is an... View Article

Damaging Driving Habits to Avoid

January 5, 2022 11:58 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Not many people realize that one of the main reasons for car damage is their own driving habits. Cars damaged by driving habits could cause long-term issues that require expensive repairs. By making a few simple changes to your driving habits, you could save yourself from a huge headache in the future. Read on for common reasons for car damage caused by bad driving habits: Driving with a low tank of gas: While it’s tempting to avoid stopping for gas after a long day of work, it’s best to keep your vehicle at a quarter of a tank. Letting your gas tank get too low could result in overheating and malfunctioning of certain vehicle components, including the fuel system and... View Article

Signs It’s Time for a Car Battery Replacement

December 22, 2021 11:57 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

There are some signs you should never ignore when it comes to vehicle maintenance. Your battery is one of the most important components of your vehicle, so it’s important to know when it’s time to get a new one. Signs you need a new car battery can include dashboard lights, trouble starting and much more. Read on for signs it’s time for a car battery replacement. Your car has trouble starting This is one of the most annoying signs that it’s time for a new car battery. Almost everyone has experienced the annoyance of getting ready to leave, only to find out their car won’t start—but it isn’t always the battery’s fault. Other reasons a car won’t start include an... View Article

Why You Should Invest in Snow Tires

December 8, 2021 11:47 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

According to the Federal Highway Administration, over 116,800 people are injured and 1,300 people are killed each year in car crashes involving winter weather. One of the best ways to prevent those injuries, deaths and property damage is by adding some snow tires. Continue reading to learn more reasons for getting snow tires and to see if snow tires are worth it: Shorter stopping distance: A leading cause of wintertime accidents has to do with drivers not giving themselves enough space to come to a stop. They don’t account for the slick conditions, resulting in fender benders. Snow tires can reduce your stopping distance by 40 percent, drastically lowering the chance of an accident. Advanced rubber compounds: At first thought,... View Article