Categories for Mechanic

Winter Is Coming! Get Your Vehicle’s Heater Serviced by a Mechanic in New Palestine, IN

October 18, 2017 1:59 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

It’s fall, which means winter is on its way. For your comfort and safety on the road, now is the best time to make sure that your car’s heating functions are operating correctly. Keep your eyes and ears open for potential problems with your heater, and know when it’s time to seek the services of a professional mechanic in New Palestine, IN: Leaky radiator: A very common cause for a broken car heater is a problematic radiator, which is a part that needs both water and cooler fluid to function properly. If either fluid leaks out or is not present, the radiator will stop working. This will have an effect on the vehicle’s heating and air conditioning systems. And although... View Article

Learn All About the Fixed Right Guarantee!

October 3, 2017 11:49 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

It’s sad to say, but these days, you can be hard pressed to find anything that’s guaranteed. Even doctors don’t guarantee the success of the majority of surgeries they perform. If medical doctors don’t guarantee results, why should you trust a car mechanic in New Palestine, IN to fix your car correctly? We’re here to say that’s faulty thinking! At Auto Air and Heating, we offer the Fixed Right Guarantee. That means that we guarantee your vehicle will be fixed right the first time you bring it in to our shop. Keep reading to learn more about what the guarantee covers and why you should trust us to perform any necessary work on your car: Oil changes: Having your oil... View Article

How Hot Can It Get Inside a Vehicle During the Summer?

August 2, 2017 2:43 pm | Published by | Leave your thoughts

When travelling with pets or children, it can be extremely tempting to leave them inside your vehicle while you run a brief errand. This potentially deadly mistake is made by far too many dog owners and parents alike who simply don’t comprehend how rapidly the interior of a vehicle can heat up. Believe it or not, a parked car is typically one of the hottest places that most people will visit throughout the entire duration of their lives. If it’s just 90 degrees outside, the interior of your vehicle can climb to a scorching 124 degrees in less than 30 minutes! Moving greenhouses Why is it that the inside of a vehicle can become quite so scorching? There are several... View Article

Add Freon to Your Vehicle with Help from a Mechanic in New Palestine, IN

June 20, 2017 2:36 am | Published by | Leave your thoughts

As the summer forecast keeps heating up, take the proper steps to keep your ride cool and comfortable no matter how hot it gets. In order to maintain the efficiency and function of your air conditioning system, you will need to add Freon to your vehicle. Freon is a cooling agent that is essential for the operation of the air conditioning units in most vehicles. You can pick up Freon at most automotive shops and stores that carry maintenance materials and, with the proper knowledge, you can even add Freon to your vehicle on your own. If you need help with the maintenance of your air conditioning system, you can always get help from a mechanic in New Palestine, IN... View Article